The First Morgan imported in the Pacific Northwest

1956 Morgan +4 vin #3405

This car was first sold to Alex James of Victoria BC. It later shows up in Vancouver at Plimley Motors Painted white. It was Purchased by Rocky Rochfort of Victoria who owned the car from 1974 to 2003, when it was sold to Paul Harrison . Paul sold it a few yeays later to someone in Ontario.

The car was built in the Morgan Factory Malvern Links in July 1956. The factory records show, VIN #3504 engine #TS 10290 Transmission #1190 2-Seater Green Black 07/56

It was shipped to GB Sterne as the first Morgan imported to the newly established Morgan distributor for the Pacific Northwest. It was first featured in a fashion shoot article in the Victoria Times Published Oct 6th 1956. This article is quoted in its entirety on the GB Sterne page on this site click here . The factory records, record the car a green in colour. The follow up on the Victoria times article was an interesting one. I had seen a suspect Morgan at several events in Victoria over the past few years. It was purported to be a 57 Plus 4 and owned by Rocky Rochfort who was in his 80s. It was often driven to British car events by his daughter with him along in the passenger seat. Rocky is a delightful gentleman and the old friend of many Morgan owners in the Greater Victoria BC area. When I suspected this car I asked of several friends of Rocky in the close area to see if they could get the VIN # of the car.  I had a friend in California send me a list, from his records, of all the Morgans shipped to GB Sterne from the beginning of his distributorship until 1963, when he moved to Burnaby BC. The very first Morgan was # 3405 a Green plus 4. It was the only Morgan shipped to GB that year. So it had to be the one in the above picture and the one in the picture in the photo shoot and article in the Victoria Times Fashion article. About 3 month after I had confirmed this I get an email from our clubs Island rep telling me that Rocky has sold his car to Paul Harrison. I email Paul asking the question and about an hour later I have my answer. Yes this is the car. #3405. I notified the Victoria Times Colonist about my find and they were interested in a follow up story. almost 50 years later.... Car and Model will be re-united. I phoned Elinor Moilette to make sure she would be at the Fathers Day All British Picnic in the Park She was in for a surprise. One week before the car show the Victoria Times Colonist ran a full Page article on the story complete with a front page header the full page article on the front page of the lifestyles section. On Sunday June 20th 2004 Elinor and Lew showed up later in the afternoon and posed again on the original Morgan they had posed with almost 50 years ago. Then Paul Harrison ushered her into the passenger side of the shiny red Morgan and Lew hopped in with me. We took them for a wonderful afternoon ride around the park.
